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ASP.NET Core Training


Evolution of ASP.NET Core happened when ASP.NET WebForm and ASP.NET MVC was already couple of years old in the industry. Even though ASP.NET Webform and ASP.NET MVC available because of its age is considered to be very matured for web application development, it is because of the popularity of ASP.NET CoreFramework and many exclusive features of ASP.NET Core that today it is dominating over Web Forms and MVC are first choice for large sized enterprise web application development.

Even if you are experienced in ASP.NET MVC, if you don’t have working knowledge of ASP.NET MVC Core you are treated as out dated in the industry. This is the reason every web developer today is upgrading himself to ASP.NET Core.

www.bestdotnettraining.com’s online ASP.NET Core Training course begins with understanding MVC design pattern and applying various features of the ASP.NET Core framework to developing light weight and platform independent but large sized Web applications. 

The exclusivity of our online ASP.NET Core training is on every topic and also has walkthroughs and sample programs for each and every module. For any person to excel, he not only needs the practical knowledge but also he should be able to communicate the same in Interviews and our ASP.NET Coresections really comes handy.

ASP.NET Core Training Objectives

  • Understand the benefits of MVC design over traditional ASP.NET Web Forms.
  • Acquiring sufficient knowledge on role of Model, View and Controller in integrating them to develop complete web application.
  • Understand how Routing API maps requests to action methods in controller.
  • Learn how to reuse code rendering HTML using custom HTML Helper methods and Tag Helpers.
  • Building Custom Model Binders for typical conditions in which built-in default binders are not usable.
  • Understanding and applying validation framework for both client and server validations.
  • Access databases and performing CRUD operations using LINQ and Entity Framework.
  • Implement security in ASP.Net Core applications.
  • Use Ajax and partial page updates and rendering and executing JavaScript code from ASP.NET Core.
  • Modularize using Areas.
  • Compress the output using bundling and minification features.
  • Develop Service Oriented RESTful services using Web API feature of ASP.NET Core.
  • Build and deploy ASP.NET Coreapplication to the production server.


  • Prior knowledge of HTML and C# is mandatory.
  • Basic knowledge of ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET Mvc recommended.
  • LINQ, Entity Framework and SQL Server for database related operations.

ASP.NET Core Training Syllabus

  1. ASP.NET Core First Application
  2. ASP.NET Core Environment Setup
  3. ASP .NET Core Demo Application
  4. ASP.NET Core Project Layout
  5. Understanding Life Cycle of ASP.NET Core MVC Request
  1. Controller Overview
  2. ActionMethods and IActionResult object
  3. Passing data from Controller to View
  4. Action Selectors
  5. Action Filters
  6. Action Filters
  7. Building Custom Action Filters
  8. Example: UserAgentActionFilter
  9. Order of Action Filter Execution
  10. Cancelling Filter Execution
  11. Middleware
  1. Introduction to Razor View
  2. Advantages of Razor View
  3. Razor Syntax
  4. Types of Views
  5. Partial Views
  6. Layout Pages (Master Pages)
  7. Special Views
  8. View Categorization based on Model
  1. Html Helpers
  2. Built-In Html Helpers
  3. Url helpers
  4. Tag Helpers
  5. Custom Helpers
  1. Html Form behavior
  2. Model Binder Overview
  3. DefaultModelBinder
  4. Binding to Complex Classes
  5. FormCollection Model Binding
  6. IFormFileModel Binder
  7. Bind Attribute
  8. TryUpdateModelAsync
  9. Binding Views to Model classes
  1. Data Annotations and Validation Overview
  2. Validation with Data Annotation
  3. Server Side and Client Side Validation
  4. RemoteValidation
  5. Custom Server side validation
  6. Model level validation using IValidatableObject
  1. Authentication
  2. Authorization
  1. Basic CRUD Operations using Entity Framework
  2. Separation of work using BO Classes
  3. Using Single Database Context Object across all Business Objects
  4. Writing Generic Class / Repository
  5. Caching in Repository
  1. Memory Caching Introduction
  2. In-Memory Caching
  3. Distributed Cache
  4. Response Cache
  1. Overview
  2. Routing Constraints
  1. Creating Admin Module using Area
  2. Creating User Module using Area
  1. Working JQuery
  2. Ajax
  1. Writing a Web API service                                        
  2. Calling a Web API service
  1. Bundling
  2. Minification

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