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ASP.NET MVC Training


MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Asp.Net Mvc is an architecture to develop ASP.Net web applications in a different manner. Web applications developed with ASP.Net MVC are even more SEO (Search Engine) friendly. MVC is a standard design pattern some types of Web application will benefit from the MVC framework.

The MVC framework includes the following components:

Models: These are the classes that contain data. They can practically be any class that can be instantiated and can provide some data.

Controllers:These are the classes that will be invoked on user requests.The main task of these are to generate the model class object.

Views: These are simple pages containing HTML and C# code that will use the server side object.

Deccansoft is the one of the best training center in twin cities we provide ASP.Net MVC training in depth knowledge of the course with practical examples for each topic and also we provide ASP.Net MVC online training . Training is provided by Mr. Sandeep Soni who has 17 years of experience in teaching. We provide you with best Asp.net MVC tutorials for each and every topic.

Advantage of ASP.Net MVC based application:

  1. It manages the complexity by dividing an application into the model,the view and the controller.
  2. It does not use view state or server-base forms. It uses a front controller pattern that proceses web application requests through single controller.This enables you to design an application that supports a rich routing infrastructure.
  3. It provides better support for test-driven development.

ASP.NET MVC Training Objectives

  1. To know about MVC Design Pattern.
  2. To understand the architecture of ASP.NET MVC and its benefits over ASP.NET WebForms.
  3. To develop Controllers, Views and Model.
  4. To develop Custom Model Binders.
  5. To develop database centric application and perform CRUD operations using EF.
  6. To implement security using Forms Authentication.
  7. To divide application into multiple modules using Areas
  8. To use AJAX and JQuery in MVC applications for develop highly scalable websites.
  9. To learn and implement reducing the size of output rendered by combining CSS and JS files.
  10. To make a site which is mobile compatible.
  11. To develop and consume REST Web Services using Web API.


  1. C# Programming Language
  2. LINQ and EF
  3. Sql-Server.
  4. ASP.NET fundamentals.

ASP.NET MVC Training Syllabus

  1. What is MVC Architecture
  2. What is ASP.NET MVC?
  3. Understanding Model
  4. Understanding View
  5. Understanding Controller
  6. Advantages of MVC based Web Application
  7. Features of ASP.NET MVC Framework
  1. Software Requirements
  2. Developing First MVC Application
  3. Rendering HTML output
  4. Understanding Life Cycle of ASP.MVC Request
  1. Exploring Controllers and ControllerBase class
  2. Passing data from Controller to View
  3. Comparing ViewData, ViewBag and TempData
  4. Types of Action Methods
  5. Action Method Parameters
  6. Action Selectors
  7. Action Filters Overview
  8. Auhentication Filters In MVC 5
  9. Building Custom Action Filters
  10. Filter Override Features
  1. Types of Views
  2. Introducing Razor View
  3. Razor Syntax Fundamentals
  4. Layout view Razor (Master Pages)
  5. Significance of _ViewStart.cshtml
  6. Working with Sections
  7. Working with Partial Views
  1. HTML Helper Methods
  2. Render HTML Form
  3. Using DropDownList
  4. Binding Html Helper to Model
  5. Using “For” Methods with Typed Model
  6. Overriding Display Templates
  7. Overriding Editor Templates
  8. Writing Custom Helper method
  1. Default model Binder
  2. Complex Type Model Binding
  3. FormCollection Model Binding
  4. Http Posted File Model Binding
  5. Bind Attribute
  1. Overview of Data Annotations
  2. Annotations and Validation Attributes
  3. How Validation Works
  4. Explicit server side validations of Models
  5. Custom Validations using IValidatableObject
  6. Developing Custom Unobtrusive Client Side Validation
  7. Applying Annotations to Model classes using Metadata class
  1. Using Entity Framework to Perform CRUD operations.
  2. Code First EF using MVC 5.
  3. Building and using BO class.
  4. Writing Generic BO class.
  1. Authentication and Authorization
  2. Types of Authentication
  3. Authorize and [AllowAnonymous] attributes
  4. Windows Authentication Implementation
  5. Forms Authentication Implementation
  6. Roles Implementation
  7. AntiForgeryToken Implementation
  8. ASP.NET 5 Identity and Security
  9. Deploy a Secure ASP.NET MVC application with OAuth, Membership and SQL Database
  10. Code! MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google OAuth2 Sign-on
  11. OWIN and Katana
  12. XSRF/CSRF Prevention in ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages
  1. Overview
  2. Mapping URL to Controller Action Method
  3. Applying Constraints on Route parameters
  4. Resolving Namespace Ambiguity
  5. Ignoring Routes
  6. Attribute Routing in MVC 5
  1. Understanding Areas
  2. Adding Areas
  3. Registering Areas
  4. Linking between Areas
  1. Ajax implementation using JQuery
  2. Using Ajax.BeginForm Helper method
  3. JQuery UI Controls
  4. JQuery Templates
  1. Why Bundling and Minification
  2. What is Bundling
  3. What is Minification
  4. Impact of Bundling and Minification
  5. Implementing Bundling and Minification
  6. Creating and Using Bundles
  7. Using Wildcard to Select Files
  8. Using a CDN while Bundling
  1. Built in support for DisplayModes
  2. Adding Custom DisplayModes
  3. Overriding DisplayModes
  4. Deploying Mobile Application on Windows Azure
  1. Introduction
  2. Web API Routing
  3. Developing Sample application
  4. Calling Web API with Javascript and jQuery
  5. Creating a Web API that Supports CRUD Operations using EF
  1. Attribute routing improvements.
  2. Bootstrap support for editor templates.
  3. Enum support in views.
  4. Unobtrusive validation for MinLength/MaxLength Attributes.
  5. Supporting the ‘this’ context in Unobtrusive Ajax.

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