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Selenium with Java


Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process.


Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating Human error

Repeatable: You can test how the software reacts under repeated execution of the same operations.

Programmable: You can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden information from the application.

Comprehensive: You can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in your application.

Reusable: You can reuse tests on different versions of an application, even if the user interfaces changes.

Better Quality Software: Because you can run more tests in less time with fewer resources

Fast: Automated Tools run tests significantly faster than human users.

Cost Reduction: As the number of resources for regression test are reduced.

Reporting: Customized reporting of application defects

Selenium with Java Objectives

  • To understand the importance features of the selenium IDE.
  • To record and run the test-cases in selenium.
  • To identifying the object in the selenium by using locators.
  • To understand the different kind of locators and importance of the locators.
  • To create and install the selenium core and use for the running the test suites in selenium.
  • To understand the selenium remote control, how to install and run the remote control test in the Java IDE like Eclipse or in the MS.NET IDE like Visual Studio.
  • To understand the Selenium latest feature web-driver, what is the importance of the web-drivers and how to run the web-driver test in eclipse IDE.
  • To understand how to run test-cases in multiple browsers by using web-drivers.
  • To create a selenium grid to execute same test-case in multiple operating systems and multiple browsers.
  • To understand the importance of the test-NG in the selenium and how to run J-Unit test.
  • To understand selenium frameworks like Data-driven, Keyword driven and so on.


Manual Testing.

Knowledge on either Core Java or C#.

Selenium with Java Syllabus

  1. what is Atuomatoin testing
  2. Advantages of Automation testing
  3. Disadvantages of Automation testing
  1. History of selenium

1.Why Selenium tool

1.Differences between Selenium  and other tools

  1. Different components in Selenium
  1. Introduction to java
  2. Data types
  3. Control Statements
  4. Strings
  5. Arrays
  6. OOPS Concept
  7. Exception Handling
  8. Collections (List, set)
  9. File Handling
  1. Installation and Introduction to IDE
  2. Creating first script using record and playback
  3. Installation of Inspector Tools and its Uses.
  4. Generating Scripts using different WebElements
  5. Handling Wait Commands
  6. Handling Validations Commands
  7. Handling Store Commands
  8. Limitations of IDE
  1. First Program on selenium
  2. Verify Page title in Selenium Webdriver
  3. Navigation in selenium
  4. Radio button and Checkbox in Selenium Webdriver
  5. Hadnling AutoSuggestion 
  6. Handling DropdownList 
  7. Handling File upload using Sikuli/Auto IT
  8. Handling Drag and Drop in Selenium
  9. Handling Mouse Hover,Keyword Events using Action class
  10. Synchronization using webdriver(Waits)
  11. How to take screenshot using selenium
  12. How to Take Multiple Screenshots
  13. How to capture Error message using webdriver
  14. Handling Multiple windows
  15. Handling Alert Messages.
  16. Handling IFrames.
  17. Cross Browsing using selenium
  18. Complete details of Dynamic  XPath in Selenium
  19. Complete details  on CSS in selenium
  20. How to download files in Selenium Webdriver.
  21. Handling WebTable
  22. Handling WebCalendar
  23. How to use Logs File in selenium
  24. How to use Properties File in selenium


  1. What is Framework
  2. Types of Framework
  3. Use of Framewor
  1. Configure Eclipse with Selenium and TestNG
  2. New- Installation of TestNG 
  3. Create First TestNG Program and Execute.
  4. Check reports generated by TestNG
  5. How to execute only failed test cases in Selenium Webdriver
  6. What is TestNG Listeners and How to implement TestNG Listener in Selenium Webdriver
  7. How to run  group Test cases in Selenium using TestNG
  8. How to run Multiple Programs using TestNG. 
  9. Execute Selenium Webdriver Test cases parallel using TestNG
  10. XSLT report generation generation using       TestNg and Ant 
  11. Building a BAT file to run tests using ANT
  12. Putting Dataproviders for multiple tests in a single file 
  13. Parameterizing/Sharing single dataprovider for multiple test cases
  14. TestNg Maven Configuration 
  15. Maven-surefire-report-plugin with testng 
  16. Executing testng from maven on Command Prompt 
  17. Generating Maven Surefire Reports 
  18. Generating XSLT Reports with Maven 
  19. Managing Multiple test Suites


  2. What is data driven Framework
  3. Write Excel using Apache poi/JXL
  4. Read Excel using Apache poi/JXL
  5. Goals to be achieve in data driven framework
  6. Creating a Core Framework
  7. Create Maven Project and Packages
  8. Creating test Cases
  9. Build base test
  10. Build Validations Functions
  11. Build generic Functions.
  12. Softassertions and extent reports
  13. Logging into reports
  14. Put Screenshots to reports
  15. Initiate properties files
  16. Build a centralized/reusable function to extract objects 
  17. Reading Data from XLS-Parameterizing tests 
  18. Build the utility function for reading data 
  19. Selectively/Optionally Run tests 
  20. Reports - XSLT, Extent Reports 
  21. Run project with ANT/Maven/Eclipse 
  22. Implement GRID - Parallel and reports/logs/screenshots
  23. Auto Email after execution to team members
  24. Builing Bat file for project 
  25. Integrating framework with jenkins 
  26. Scheduling Execution
  1. What is hybrid framework
  2. Goals to be achieve in hybrid framework
  3. Creating Maven project and Packages
  4. Create Core Framework structure 
  5. Deciding keywords   
  6. Generic and application dependent Keywords 
  7. Using reflection API to call keyword functions 
  8. Building test suites and generating test cases 
  9. Introducing depency
  10. Build base test
  11. Build Validations Functions
  12. Build generic Functions.
  13. Softassertions and extent reports
  14. Logging into reports
  15. Put Screenshots to reports
  16. Initiate properties filesBuild a centralized/reusable function to extract objects 
  17. Reading Data from XLS-Parameterizing tests 
  18. Build the utility function for reading data 
  19. Selectively/Optionally Run tests Reports - XSLT, Extent Reports 
  20. Run project with ANT/Maven/Eclipse 
  21. Implement GRID - Parallel and reports/logs/screenshots
  22. Auto Email after execution to team members
  23. Building Bat file for project 
  24. Integrating framework with jenkins 
  25. Scheduling Execution
  1. What is Page Object Model
  2. When to use POM
  3. Examples to POM
  4. POM using Page Factory
  5. Sample Examples for POM.


  1. Install MySQL Server
  2. Discussion on JDBC Drivers and Other drivers
  3. Connection interface
  4. Statement and prepared statement interface
  5. Resultset interface
  6. Discussion on various commands like select, delete ,update, insert queries 
  7. Using TestNG annotations to establish database connection 
  8. Sample Connection on application and Validations on it.
  1. What is Continuous Integration
  2. What is Jenkins and how it helps in CI
  3. Downloading and installing Jenkins
  4. Executing simple batch commands
  5. Scheduling time for test execution.
  6. Executing Selenium Project builds with ANT
  7. Build Triggers 
  8. Mailing if build fails 
  9. Configuring/Scheduling Maven Project in Jenkins 
  10. Downlaoding and installing GIT 
  11. Installing GIT and GITHUB plugins for jenkins 
  12. Configuring ssh host keys for GIT and Jenkins 
  13. Git Bash commands and operations 
  14. Uploading project to GIT using GIT Bash 
  15. Cloning projects 
  16. Creating branch/forks
  17. Configuring/Scheduling remote Git maven project in Jenkins


  1. Introduction to Grid 
  2. reating Nodes and Hubs 
  3. Deciding number of browsers on a Node 
  4. Deciding type of browsers on Node 
  5. Limiting number of concurrent browsers on node 
  6. Difference between maxSession and maxInstance 
  7. Configuring chromedriver and IEdriver exe files on grid 
  8. Testng configurations 
  9. RemoteWebDriver and DesiredCapabilities 
  10. Configuring JSON file format to initialize/configure hub and nodes 
  11. Running single test on single node - serially in multiple browsers 
  12. Running single test on single node – parallely on multiple browsers 
  13. Running single test on multiple nodes – each node having different browser 
  14. Can we decide node to run test? 
  15. Running multiple tests spread across 3 nodes – one for ie, one for firefox and one for chrome 
  16. Node Timeout 
  17. Prioritizing the test cases 
  18. Prioritizer Interface and CustomPrioritizer 
  19. Sharing same webdriver instance among multiple tests after prioritizing them
  20. Grid Coding in eclipse 
  21. Creating a Grid sample test case 
  22. End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on one node 
  23. End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on multiple nodes on virtual machine 
  24. End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on multiple nodes on virtual machine and on multiple browsers.


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